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Install Guide

This install is reasonably easy, experience with IC transplants is needed.

Bill of Materials (BOM)

LCSC BOM: Download

R1Resistor0 Ω0805
R2Resistor0 Ω0805

Tools Required

Soldering IronFor soldering components
FluxHelps with soldering and prevents bridges
Solder (.38 recommended)Best for small SMD work
Hot Air Rework StationOptional, useful for component removal
Desolder WickUsed to remove solder from joints

Installation Steps (Hot Air)

1. Remove the ROM IC:

  • Using a hot air rework station, heat the IC pads on the original board evenly.
  • Carefully lift the ROM IC from the board with tweezers once the solder has melted.

2. Prepare the New PCB:

  • Apply flux to the IC pads on the new PCB.
  • Lightly tin the pads with solder to prepare for IC placement.

3. Mount the IC:

  • Position the ROM IC in the correct orientation on the new PCB. (Double-check pin alignment!)
  • Heat the PCB evenly until the solder melts.
  • Gently press the IC onto the pads with tweezers, ensuring all pins make contact.
  • Remove heat and hold the IC in place until the solder solidifies.

4. Add Additional Components (if included):

  • If your kit includes new capacitors or resistors, use hot air and tweezers to carefully place them onto the PCB.
  • Otherwise, resolder the old components onto the new board.

5. Reshell and Test:

  • Assemble the cartridge shell.
  • Insert the game into your console and enjoy!

Installation Steps (Soldering Iron)

1. Remove the ROM IC:

  • Use a soldering iron and desoldering wick to carefully remove solder from the IC pads on the original board.
  • Gently lift the ROM IC from the board. Take extra care with this method to avoid damaging the IC.

2. Prepare the New PCB:

  • Apply flux to the IC pads on the new PCB.
  • Position the ROM IC on the pads in the correct orientation. Apply gentle pressure to ensure alignment.

3. Secure the IC:

  • Solder one corner pin of the IC to hold it in place, then solder the opposite corner.
  • Remove pressure once the IC is secured.

4. Complete Soldering:

  • Use drag soldering to solder the remaining pins to the PCB. Ensure no bridges are formed, and all connections are secure.

5. Add Additional Components (if included):

  • If your kit includes new capacitors or resistors, solder them carefully onto the PCB.
  • Otherwise, resolder the old components onto the new board.

6. Reshell and Test:

  • Reassemble the cartridge shell.
  • Test your game in the console and enjoy!